Financiadores: Embajada Británica.
Convocatoria: 2020
The main goal of the project is to guarantee that People with Disabilities have access to adequate services, products and programmes to deal with the sanitary emergency provoked by COVID-19 (according to articles 6, 11, 25 and 28 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Sustainable Development Goals articles 3 and 5).
Titulares de derechos: Personas con discapacidad en el Gran Santo Domingo.
Actividades Principales:
The main line of action consists of carrying out procedures for the prevention and sanitary attention to people with disabilities at their homes. For such purpose, their needs will be ascertained through a diagnosis made by telephone communication and other non-present communication types. A campaign of endowment of sanitary and food resources will be put into action through kits that will cover basic needs, that will be delivered following appropriate protection measures (non-physical-contact delivery and using personal protective equipment). This will take place along an information campaign and advice-giving on a door to door basis, handing out informational and awareness material.